Scholarships Offered by The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) and Sons of The American (SAL)
(Kindly note that we list these opportunities are for your information and it is your responsibility to pursue the scholarships as per the guidelines outlined within the websites listed below)
Scholarships offered solely by American Legion Auxiliary:
1. Children of Warriors National Presidents Scholarship
Scholarships awarded through American Legion Auxiliary: Three $5,000 scholarships are awarded annually per geographic division, for a total of 15 scholarships. These scholarships are for undergraduate study only at a four-year accredited college or university, and may be used for tuition, books, fees, room, and board. Download Application (doc)
Scholarship Deadline: March 1st of each calendar year
Note to military families: Students who are military dependents living overseas may submit their application to the American Legion Auxiliary department in their sponsor’s home of record. Department contact information may be found at
2. Samsung American Legion Scholarship
Scholarships Awarded:
Every year, $300,000 in Samsung American Legion Scholarships are awarded to nearly 100 American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State participants. These scholarships are for undergraduate study only and may be used for tuition, books, fees, room, and board.
Scholarship Deadline: Typically, applications are submitted to the program staff upon the participants’ arrival at American Legion Boys State or American Legion Auxiliary Girls State. | Online Application
3. Non-Traditional Student Scholarship
Scholarships Awarded
The Non-Traditional Student Scholarship helps people who are part of The Legion Family pursue a college degree later in life or allow them to pick up where they left off when their studies were interrupted. One $2,000 scholarship is awarded annually per Auxiliary geographic division. Applicant may be pursuing training in a certified, trade, professional, or technical program, or a two-year or four-year degree program.
Scholarship Deadline: March 1 of each calendar year | Download Application (doc)
4. Spirit of Youth Scholarship Fund
The American Legion Auxiliary annually provides one Junior member in each of the five American Legion Auxiliary divisions with a $5,000 scholarship.
The applicant must have held membership in the American Legion Auxiliary for the immediate past three years; must hold a membership card for the current year; and must continue to maintain her membership throughout the four-year scholarship period. Scholarship monies are dispersed directly to the four-year accredited college or university, per the recipients’ direction, and may be used for tuition, books, fees, and other appropriate expenses.
5. Junior Member Loyalty Scholarship
The American Legion Auxiliary annually provides one Junior member in each of the five American Legion Auxiliary divisions with a $5,000 scholarship.
The applicant must have held membership in the American Legion Auxiliary for the immediate past three years; must hold a membership card for the current year; and must continue to maintain her membership throughout the four-year scholarship period. Scholarship monies are dispersed directly to the four-year accredited college or university, per the recipients’ direction, and may be used for tuition, books, fees, and other appropriate expenses.
6. ALA Girls Nation Program Scholarships
Annually, ALA Girls Nation awards scholarships in the following amounts to assist with the recipients’ college education expenses:
· ALA Girls Nation President $5,000
· ALA Girls Nation Vice President $2,500
· ALA Girls Nation Outstanding Senator $3,000
Recipients are attendees at the ALA Girls Nation Program in Washington, D.C., and the selection is made via vote by their peers. Scholarship monies are dispersed directly to the four-year accredited college or university, per the recipients’ direction, and may be used for tuition, books, fees, etc.
1. The Legacy Scholarship
The American Legion Legacy Scholarship is a needs-based scholarship designed to fulfill a financial gap remaining after all federal and state educational grants/scholarships available to an eligible applicant have been utilized.
Children of U.S. military members who died while on active duty on or after Sept.11, 2001.
Children of post-9/11 veterans having been assigned a combined disability rating of 50 percent or greater by the Department of Veterans Affairs also qualify.
Each need-based scholarship provides up to $20,000 in aid for undergraduate or post-graduate college. Recipients may reapply for additional annual awards up to six times.
See application deadlines on the website. Generally, April 15 of the year you want to apply.
2. The American Legion Baseball Scholarship
In 2016, The American Legion awarded $22,000 in scholarships to deserving players. Each Department Baseball Committee may select a player from their Department to receive this scholarship. The American Legion will award several scholarships this year depending on the number of applicants and interest earned from the trust fund.
Award Amounts
Department Baseball Scholarship Winners receive $500.
Each certified Department Baseball scholarship winner shall be considered for The American Legion All-Academic Team sponsored by Diamond Sports, annually.
Eight players selected by a scholarship selection committee at The American Legion World Series will receive an additional $2,500 scholarship.
A ninth player, selected as the most outstanding member of the All-Academic Team, will be awarded an additional $5,000 scholarship.
All-Academic Team winners will retain their $500 scholarship from their department.
Scholarship recipients will be eligible to receive their scholarships immediately upon graduation from an accredited high school. Scholarship winners must utilize the total award within eight (8) years of their graduation date, excluding active military time.
Print the application »
Learn more about American Legion Baseball »
3. The National High Schools Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Scholarships are awarded to the three finalists. First place receives $18,000, second gets $16,000 and third takes $14,000.
Each individual state winner certified into and participating in the first round of the national contest receives a $1,500 scholarship. (continued)
Each first-round winner who advances but does not qualify for the finals receives an additional $1,500 scholarship.
Scholarships may be used to attend any college or university in the United States.
In addition to the national organization’s scholarships, hundreds of scholarships are awarded to participants by posts, districts, counties and departments during earlier levels of competition.
Learn more about the Oratorical Contest »
4. Eagle Scout of the Year
The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year will receive a $10,000 scholarship. Three runner-up scholarship awards will be granted in the amount of $2,500 each. The scholarship recipients will be eligible to receive their scholarship immediately upon graduation from high school (public, parochial, military, private, or home school) and must utilize the total award within four (4) years of their graduation date, excluding active military duty or religious mission. Additionally, the American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year will join the Youth Champion Delegation that is honored each August at the annual National Convention of The American Legion.
Applicants having questions or seeking additional information about their application or the application process should contact their respective American Legion department (state) headquarters. Contact information for American Legion department (state) headquarters may be obtained at
The Cerullo Memorial Scholarship: Up to four (4) Scholarships in the amount of $500.00 each will be awarded annually. One (1) new and up to three (3) renewable scholarships to previous winners
The William P.O'Connell Memorial Scholarship: One (1) scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 will be awarded annually.
Scholarship in Memory of PNC Richard Pedro: The Department of New York is offering a $1,000 scholarship in memory of Past National Commander Richard M. Pedro, who was also a past department commander and long-time department adjutant. The scholarship is available to high school seniors residing in New York State who are descendants (child, grandchild, great-grandchild) of living or deceased Legionnaires; or who are children of New York service members who died in the war on terrorism. Deadline for submitting an application is June 15. The application must be accompanied by an essay less than 500 words or a video on the topic of “the importance of The American Legion in my community.” The scholarship will be awarded during the annual Department Convention in July.
The 8 & 40 Nursing & Respiratory Therapist Scholarship: The Eight and Forty-scholarship applicant must attend an accredited school of nursing or a accredited respiratory therapist program
NOTE: Applications for all Scholarships must be accompanied by a Scholarship Cover Sheet
Department Scholarship: For eligible candidates wishing to further his/her higher education.
Department District Scholarship: For eligible candidates wishing to further his/her higher education.
Raymond T. Wellington Jr. Memorial Scholarship: For eligible candidates wishing to further his/her higher education.
MaryAnn K. Murtha Scholarship: For eligible candidates wishing to further his/her higher education.
Helen Klimek Student Scholarship: For eligible candidates wishing to further his/her higher education.
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