Commander - John J. Creskey
1st Vice Commander - Ronald A. Milazzo
2nd Vice Commander - Paul D.Lindner
3rd Vice Commander - Paul C. Signorelli
Adjutant - Shannon M. Morrison
Finance Officer - Philip T. Adimari
Chaplain - Eric W. Eilbacher
Sergeant-at-Arms - Charles Lirio
Service Officer - Marcos R. Castro
Compliance Officer - Robert R. Ruocco
Homeland Security - Daniel Oderifero
Judge Advocate - Richard J. Allen
Historian - Larry Martino
Membership Chairman - Charles J. Pagano
Boys State & Boy Scouts Chairs - Ronald A. Milazzo & John J. Creskey
Sons of the American Legion Chair - Marcos R. Castro
Sons of the American Legion Advisor - John J. Creskey